Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.

Methapor, Simile, and Symbols

Hello guys.. Nice to greet you in my blog. How are you today? I hope you always healthy. Okay, in this opportunity, I will share to you about metaphor, simile, and symbols. I hope this material will useful for you. Okay, enjoy to read my blog..


A.    Metaphor
Metaphor is described as a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two things that are basically dissimilar. A metaphor describes one object as being or having the characteristics of a second object. Saying one object is something that it really can't be.

B.     Simile
A simile is a figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared using the words "like" or "as". Well-chosen similes can be used to enliven writing or as an alternative to description using adjectives.

C.    Symbol
Symbol is a word or idea that represents another word or idea by association, resemblance or convenience. The symbol is a concrete entity used to represent something invisible or abstract. Using a word to stand for something with a deeper meaning.

D.    Example 
            Example of Metaphor :
1.      Time is money.
2.      She froze with fear.
3.      Her home was a prison
4.      The razor blade that is her stare.
5.      The placid lake of his tranquility 

Example of Simile :
1.      Heart like a stone
2.      O my love is like a red, red rose
3.      She is as sweet as pie.
4.      The street felt as hot as the surface of the sun.
5.      He was as brave as a lion in a fight.
6.      He swam like a fish through rough waters. 

Example of Symbol :
1.      A golden ring symbolized marriage, love, fidelity, commitment, trust, family and the other characteristics of connubiality.
2.      Using a red rose to show love.
3.      Using a storm cloud to show something bad is about to happen.
4.      Using a road trip to show the protagonist is searching to find out about himself .

References :

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